Sports, Documentary, TV-PG
From the makers of the On the Pipe series, Powerband Films collaborated with 10 time X Games Medalist Colby Raha to bring you "GNARNIA". Gnarnia showcases the absolute top freeride dirt bikers on earth who live by their own rules. Their creative imagination allows them to ride places that were never thought possible before. At the beginning of the film the viewer sees a young Colby Raha (about 7 years old) wearing a cape, sitting on top of a small ramp on his bmx bike. As a child Colby idolized Evel Knievel and dreamt of one day following in his footsteps with the hopes of becoming a long distance motorcycle jumper. Flash forward 20 years and Colby has now won multiple X Games quarter pipe competitions. In 2020 after winning X Games Real Moto Gold with Director Jay Schweitzer, Colby decides he wants to make his own motocross film. Jay Schweitzer has been making motocross film for 26 years from the acclaimed On the Pipe series, Metal Mulisha’s Black Friday and Twitch’s 420% all natural. He is now the longest running moto filmmaker in history. The two to set their sights on making the ultimate 2 wheel big air motocross film that would show the current progression of the sport. Their journey would entangle them in some of the most groundbreaking stunts ever seen on a dirt bike. However, Colby was not alone on this journey, he would soon be joined by some of the most elite freeride motocross riders dominating the sport. Scott Kranyak, “A.K.A Skrany”, is a local freeride motocross and urban stunt specialist from Bakersfield, CA. Scott’s entire segment was filmed in Bakersfield in various urban settings. Scott proves that a dirt bike really can ride anywhere the brain can imagine. From jumping off the roof of the Big 5 sporting goods building to jumping over road gaps, building to building jumps at a hospital and a variety of unfathomable tricks, Skrany is the undisputed greatest urban moto rider of all time. Sadly enough, he crashed on a 180 foot road gap and was induced into a coma to relieve swelling on his brain. It is one of the worst crashes that has ever been caught on camera. However, Skrany is mentally and physically one of the toughest humans on earth and would comeback from his severe injuries and plans to ride a dirt bike again. Tanner Chadwick is a freerider whose local riding spot is the St. Anthony Dunes in Idaho. We rented a helicopter and chased him through the dunes as he breaks the natural terrain distance record landing at 281 feet. The dune footage captured from the helicopter of Tanner and Colby in this segment From the makers of the On the Pipe series, Powerband Films collaborated with 10X X Games Medalist Colby Raha to bring you "GNARNIA". Follow Raha on his quest to become a long distance motorcycle jumper while matching the current dirt to dirt distance backflip record 190 feet, throwing record 260 foot whips and the heaviest crash of his career. Colby miraculously is able to comeback from this catastrophic crash and redemm himself with a jump obver 311 feet. He then shows up to X ames 3 months later and breaks the height record in the quarter pipe competition 49 feet above the ramp. Head to Bakersfield with Skrany to witness the highest level of urban riding ever seen with a near fatal crash. Skrany’s determination has made it possible for him to come back from this crash and he hopes to ride a dirt bike again in the near future. We chase Tanner Chadwick through the St. Anthony Dunes as he breaks the natural terrain distance dunes record 281 feet. Watch Berreman crash over 240 feet off the biggest jump of his career. Gnarnia gives an in depth look at what it takes to do long distance jumping with a team that can make or break your life. With 5 helicopter shoots and the best drone team on earth, Director Jay Schweitzer and his crew deliver mind blowing cinematography. Riders include, Alex Harvill, Jason Borosky, Josh Hill and more.
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